5 Things You Can Do to Protect the Oceans

Having existed for more than four billion years, Oceans are rich habitats that cover almost three quarters of our world and hosting more than two hundred thousand known species, and generate more than half of the oxygen we need to survive... Unfortunately, these habitats are now being damaged by various human activities, posing a serious threat to the lives of both those who live in the sea and those who rely on it to survive.

Everyone has something to do to make a contribution to this issue, which is being globally discussed with many amateur and professional activities being carried out to overcome it... We will briefly discuss small but effective steps that you can easily implement to protect the oceans in the rest of the post.

Keep the Beaches and Sea Clean

Keeping the beaches and seas where we enjoy time doing various activities as clean as possible is perhaps the easiest action that can be taken in this list. In fact, you can contribute to the protection of the natural environment in the seas just by being careful and avoiding certain behaviors such as not polluting the environment rather then taking any action. You can of course make a significant difference by attending volunteer efforts to clean beaches and the sea as much as you can.

Reduce Energy Use

Global climate change has many impacts such as increase of water temperature and acidity rate, glacier melting, damage to the natural habitat and its inhabitants, and unfortunately this is not a problem that can be solved easily and quickly... However, there are many things you can do to minimize your carbon footprint (the damage caused to nature by various human activities by releasing carbon dioxide). Some of the things you can do to minimize your carbon footprint include choosing public transportation, cycling or walking over motor vehicles for short distances, using environmentally friendly electronic products, and avoid keeping the devices which are not in use running...

Pay Attention to Use of Plastics

Do you really need to have a straw in your drink? Or, is it possible that you are using too many plastic bags when shopping or at home? Do you know the ways of saving money by effectively utilizing the plastic bottles you throw away - and buy new ones to replace them? Plastic causes harm to the seas significantly and may lead to the death of creatures that live in or feed on the sea. If you find these facts to be disturbing, you can make a significant difference by simply considering the questions above and reducing your use of plastics as much as possible.

Pay Attention to the Labels of the Products You Purchase

You can also adopt a sensitive attitude by not choosing products manufactured using processes that cause harm to the environment and natural life. For example, instead of choosing jewelry and home decoration items made from coral, which are already endangered, you can make a contribution to the protection of natural life by choosing among many other alternatives.

Support Organizations Working to Protect the Seas

There are many organizations both in Turkey and abroad that work to protect the seas and marine creatures. You can follow the activities of these organizations, you can contact them and make financial contribution or apply them for volunteer work. Thus, you will both be involved in an activity that is beneficial of the natural life and will have the opportunity to meet the experts studying at this field and learn more about the subject.


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