We establish the most appropriate environment for our penguins in the area where they live by simulating all the characteristics of the South Pole climate in line with the international standards set by WAZA and EAZA.
As a member of the World Association of Aquariums and Zoos (WAZA), we adopted from the Valencia Oceanographic Aquarium in 2016 as part of the "Captive Breeding of Creatures" program, 12 Gentoo Penguins, which are listed under imminent threat in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

We Adopted 23 Gentoo Penguins

Factors such as global warming, disruption of the food chain, illegal hunting and environmental pollution are a major threat to their lives. We achieved an important social responsibility project by adopting 11 more Gentoo penguins in 2019 to prevent this to happen. As a matter of fact, we became the first facility at international standards in Turkey to host 23 Gentoo penguins.
Technical Team of Professionals
We pay utmost attention to the care of all our creatures and work hard to ensure that they live in the healthiest and most natural conditions thanks to our professional technical team consisting of curators, biologists, aquaculture engineers and veterinarians, and the superior technological infrastructure of our facility. 
We Ensure the Continuity of Their Generations

We provide support to scientific studies around the world and projects carried out to protect penguin generation against extinction by making use of the data we receive from cameras that record the habitats of our penguins 24 hours a day.  Our South Pole theme provides a large breeding area where the penguins can feel comfortable during their spawning periods and ensuring the continuation of their generations is aimed at. The fact that baby penguins have been born at İstanbul Akvaryum in the last few years is the most satisfying indicator of the progress we made towards our goal.

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