Marine Life Conservation Program  

IUCN: The Red List of Endangered Species ("IUCN Red List") indicates the most comprehensive Global Conservation status of plant and animal species in the world. The IUCN Red List is maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Wildlife and Natural Resources.  

The IUCN Red List is created by assessing the extinction risk of thousands of species and subspecies. This criterion is relevant to all species and every region around the world. Species in the red list are those that have been identified worldwide and are at risk of extinction. Conservation of these species is of great importance for the continuity of natural life.  

As İstanbul Akvaryum, we have taken some of the species on the IUCN Red List under conservation. In this context, we ensure the continuity of species such as sand tiger shark, nassau grouper, brown grouper, giant guitarfish, eagle ray, fiddler fish, cow-nosed ray, brown spotted cat shark, small spotted catfish, stingray, gentoo penguin and sturgeon by minimizing the risk of extinction through special conservation programs. We carry out all our work according to the international standards set by WAZA (World Association of Aquariums and Zoos), of which we are a member.

Conservation of endangered species which are at the risk of extinction due to reasons such as global warming and improper hunting is everyone's responsibility. We should strive more and be sensitive to fulfill this responsibility.

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