• 5 Things You Can Do to Protect the Oceans

    5 Things You Can Do to Protect the Oceans

    Having existed for more than four billion years, Oceans are rich habitats that cover almost three quarters of our world and hosting more than two hundred thousand known species, and generate more than half of the oxygen we need to survive... Unfortunately, these habitats are now being damaged by various human activities, posing a serious threat to the lives of both those who live in the sea and those who rely on it to survive.

  • Common Misconceptions About Sharks

    Common Misconceptions About Sharks

    Sharks are among the most fabulous, most researched and most fascinating, but also among the most misconceived creatures in the ocean... We have compiled in this post, the most common myths and facts you will come across about these fascinating creatures that have been existing on the Earth for an average of four hundred million years - longer than trees!

  • 5 Fun Activities You Can Enjoy at İstanbul Akvaryum

    5 Fun Activities You Can Enjoy at İstanbul Akvaryum

    What you can closely see and get detailed information about at İstanbul Akvaryum are Gentoo penguins as Turkey's first polar penguins, different species of sharks as one of the most fascinating creatures of the oceans, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, poisonous frogs from the Amazon and many other interesting creatures.

  • Things to Know About Scuba Diving

    Things to Know About Scuba Diving

    Particularly in the recent years, diving has become an increasingly popular activity that many people are interested in.


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